mardi 23 juillet 2013

The benefits of aloe vera

benefits of aloe vera

Aloe vera is rich in substances acting together, produce a greater effect qu'utilisées potent separately. Substances act mutually reinforcing in the "synergy". The plant has properties that increase resistance, supports the immune system, increase metabolism, reduce stress sensitivity and promote sleep. To enjoy the rich substance of aloe vera gel can drunk or be applied directly to the skin. Its association with other ingredients or products such as cream, lotion, significantly improved skin condition.


The virtues of aloe vera gel that were already known to many civilizations: 
from ancient Mesopotamia was the ancient Greece Christian, through the Egypt of the pharaohs, and
by Indian and Chinese civilizations. to thousands of years, the plant is used for its effects
beneficial and healthy. A legend even Alexander the Great was persuaded to conquer the island of Socotra, located in the ocean India, in order to obtain large quantities aloe vera to heal his wounded soldiers. in
Dr. Bill Coats 1964, a pharmacist in Dallas Texas has set a goal of spreading virtues of aloe vera in the world. Then, four years later, he discovered a method for stabilizing frost protection against the harmful effects of oxidation. Coats is devoted to the analysis of the chemical composition biological plant, and was able to accomplish what no had been able to do before: extract and stabilize the gel by natural processes while preserving the efficiency and the beneficial properties of Aloe vera. The patent belongs to Forever Living Products International (Aloe Vera of America).

What is aloe Vera?

the aloe Vera is also called "miraculous plant" , "natural healer" or "burning plant".from more than 300 of aloes' species, the aloe Vera Barbados, commonly called aloe Vera, is the most powerful. The aloe Vera contains an exceptional number of substances acting positively on health.The plant , like cactus belongs to siliceous plants' family.
This family includes about 3700 bulbous flush plants' species as garlic, onion, and the asparagus.after 4 years, the plant becomes adult, and the content of its leaves, a mixture of gel and sap, can be excerpt and put in bottles so as to obtain the accomplished product.

jeudi 18 juillet 2013

Aloe Vera Gel Recipe

This is the Aloe Vera Gel Recipe :
  • Aloe Vera gel is made from its leaf. When you are choosing the leaf, make sure that you choose a leaf that grows toward the bottom of the plant. While cutting it try to cut it at an angle close to plant’s base. Make sure that you choose a mature plant.
  • Place the leaf in any container in an upright position to drain off its sap.
  • Place the leaf on a flat surface and using a sharp knife cut off the edges as well the tip of the leaf. Be careful to cut it from top to bottom.
  • Slice the whole leaf lengthwise into two.
  • Scoop the entire gel from the leaf using a spoon. If it is a bigger leaf, try using a butter knife. Try not to scoop the left over sap.
  • Add 500 mg of vitamin C and 400IU of vitamin E to every ¼ cup of Aloe Vera pulp. You get vitamin C in tablet forms so crush it before you add it to the pulp. Vitamin E will be in capsule form so you just need to squeeze it. Vitamin C and vitamin E are added not only for the health benefits but also for the preservation of the gel.
  • Blend the whole mixture and you can store the mix in glass jars. Prefer dark colored glass as it prevents light from getting in. Store it in the refrigerator and the home made Aloe Vera gel will last as long as eight months.

mercredi 17 juillet 2013

top 10 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera plant is considered to be a miracle plant because of its too many curative and healing health benefits. The leaf of Aloe Vera is filled with a gel containing vitamins like A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, Folic Acid and Niacin. Minerals found in Aloe Vera plant juice are copper, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese. All these nutrients have tremendous health benefits when used externally and internally.
Health experts consider Aloe Vera as the most impressive and versatile herb invented by nature. This herb is very safe to use and people from across the globe use this herb for treating various health conditions starting from minor burns to dangerous cancer.
Here are top 10 health benefits of Aloe Vera.
  1. Immune Booster

    Aloe Vera is full of anti-oxidants which are natural immune enhancers that help to deal with free radicals within the body. Free radicals are the unstable compounds which are bad for the health and contributes to the ageing process. Drinking Aloe Vera juice regularly gives the body a regular supply of anti-oxidants, which can boost and enhance the immune system.
  2. Regulates Weight and Energy Level

    Drinking Aloe Vera juice naturally allows the body to cleanse the digestive system. There are many food substances which can cause fatigue and exhaustion which you can solve by taking Aloe Vera juice. When consumed regularly, Aloe Vera juice also allows energy levels to increase and helps in maintaining a healthy body weight.
  3. Cures Gum Diseases

    Aloe Vera is extremely helpful for your mouth and gums due to its natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. At the same time it contains vitamins and minerals which promote cell growth and healing of bleeding gums and mouth ulcers. When suffering from a gum disease, just sprinkle some Aloe Vera powder on your toothbrush before brushing and within few minutes you will feel much better. Regular consumption of Aloe Vera juice also helps in  promoting strong and healthy teeth.
  4. Ends Constipation

    Aloe Vera plant juice has natural fibers which helps in digestion and improves the bowel movement. Aloe Vera juice can also be used in treating constipation. When constipated, take aloe Vera juice or gel in order to solve the problem of irritable bowel movement. Remember that after taking aloe Vera it takes about ten hours to get positive results.
  5. Stabilizes Blood Sugar Level

    Aloe Vera juice can lower blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 Diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar level and reducing triglycerides. For better result those who are diabetic must take Aloe Vera juice regularly for three months in order to experience a significant drop in fasting blood sugar levels. Also those who are diabetic suffering from peripheral neuropathy (hands and feet going numb) can also get hugely benefitted from Aloe Vera supplements.
  6. Enhances Skin Health

    Aloe Vera is one of the natural herbs used in skin care products as it soothes the skin, hydrates it, nourishes it and accelerates the regeneration of new skin tissue. By applying fresh Aloe Vera gel on your face you can enjoy well moisturized, glowing and flawless skin. At the same time Aloe Vera can help to get rid of sunburn skin and can be used to treat blisters, insect bites and any allergic reactions, minor burns, inflammations and more. Even those having sensitive skin can also use Aloe Vera without any problem.
  7. Reduces Heart Attacks

    By enhancing your blood quality, you can significant reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in coming years. To improve the quality of your blood, you must start eating Aloe Vera. Regular consumption of Aloe Vera stops blood cells from clumping together, which is one of the main reasons behin strokes. When the flow of blood is proper, oxygen and nutrients can reach every last organ and cell in your body. Good amount of oxygen reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure.
  8. Treats Acne

    Aloe Vera gel is used in a number of different skin care products that facilitates to treat a wide variety of different skin problems including acne. Acne is a kind of very common skin problem in which the sebaceous glands become more active and inflamed. The anti-inflammatory properties present in Aloe Vera help to get rid of acne and pimples when the gel is applied on the affected skin are twice daily. You can use Aloe Vera skin care products to treat the scars and redness associated with acne.
  9. Halts Inflammation

    Using Aloe Vera externally can ease inflammation of joints, reducing arthritis pain. You can also drink Aloe Vera juice to reduce inflammation throughout the body. People who drink aloe Vera juice for two weeks typically begin to experience a significant reduction of inflammation and pain symptoms. With regular consumption of Aloe Vera juice and application of Aloe Vera gel on the affected skin area you can enjoy a pain free life.
    Lowers High Cholesterol
    Few research works also suggest that Aloe Vera gel can lower high cholesterol level. When used internally, the gel improves the quality of the blood and also lowers the high cholesterol level. Also taking Aloe Vera is far safer than using over the counter or prescribed medicines, which have extremely harmful negative side effects on the body. However those having high cholesterol level should take Aloe Vera supplements only after consulting a doctor
    To conclude, due to the medicinal potential of Aloe Vera it is very essential to have this herb in your kitchen garden. Have this wonderful herb at home so that you can solve many health problems right at your home without the need of going to a doctor.

Aloe Vera Health Benefits

  • Aloe Vera, when used topically, cures several skin conditions like sunburn, cuts, eczema.
  • Aloe Vera is a good laxative when taken orally. Hence, it is efficient in improving bowel function, curing constipation and in Crohn’s disease.
  • Aloe Vera is said to improve collagen repair and so prevents skin wrinkles.
  • Aloe Vera improves the overall immunity of the body.
  • Studies have found that consuming Aloe Vera even helps in the process of digestion.
  • Saponins extracts found in Aloe Vera have anti-microbial effect against bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast.
  • The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory property of Aloe Vera helps to cure insect bites and also helps in relieving itching and skin swelling.
  • Additionally, the plant is efficient in hydrating skin and removing dead skin cells.
  • Aloe Vera helps in improving muscle and joint pain associated with arthritis when applied directly on the area of pain.
  • The anti-inflammatory property of Aloe Vera helps in curing Androgenetic Alopecia and several other types of hair loss conditions.
So, if you haven’t already started using Aloe Vera, then do not waste any more time to enjoy its huge health benefits. The medicinal plant is available in various forms from food products and medicines to skin products, like, lotions, soaps, sunscreens and shampoos.

Distribution of aloe vera

The natural range of A. vera is unclear, as the species has been widely cultivated throughout the world. Naturalised stands of the species occur in the southern half of the Arabian Peninsula, through North Africa (Morocco, Mauritania, Egypt), as well as Sudan and neighbouring countries, along with the Canary, Cape Verde, and Madeira Islands. This distribution is somewhat similar to the one of Euphorbia balsamiferaPistacia atlantica, and a few others, suggesting that a dry sclerophyl forest once covered large areas, but has been dramatically reduced due to desertification in the Sahara, leaving these few patches isolated. Several closely related (or sometimes identical) species can be found on the two extreme sides of the Sahara: dragon trees(Dracaena) and Aeonium being two of the most representative examples.
The species was introduced to China and various parts of southern Europe in the 17th century. The species is widely naturalised elsewhere, occurring in temperate and tropical regions of Australia, Barbados, Belize, Nigeria, Paraguay and the United States ,The actual species' distribution has been suggested to be the result of human cultivation.

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by Yassine Elouahabi | - | ALOE VERA